Third Grade

Mandatory requirements from the State of Florida:

Student will score above a Level 1 on the FSA Reading Comprehension test

Third Grade Curriculum at Glance


The student:

-predicts content and purpose of reading using table of contents, headings, indexes, captions, illustrations and key words

-uses context clues and a variety of word structures to construct meaning and increase vocabulary including prefixes, suffixes, root words, homonyms, antonyms and synonyms

-develops vocabulary by reading independently and using reference books

-monitors reading on or above grade level by rereading, self-correcting, summarizing, reading on, trying alternative pronunciations and questioning

-identifies main idea, relevant supporting details and facts, identifies author’s purpose as to inform, entertain and/or persuade, knows the difference between fact and opinion, understands the use of comparison and contrast within a selection


The student…

-demonstrates knowledge and use of graphic organizers to organize information, is able to write an essay that remains focused on topic/prompt and include all writing conventions

-opens an essay with at least 2 sentences and closes an essay with at least two sentences with 3 details or elaboration per thought in the body of the essay


Number Sense

The student…

-knows addition and subtraction facts, reads and writes whole numbers through hundred thousands or more, reads and writes proper fractions and decimal notation in context of money

-compares and orders whole numbers and commonly used fractions

-knows the value of a given digit to hundred thousands, explains the inverse relationship of multiplication and division

-estimates quantities using various strategies

-uses models and charts to determine factors of whole numbers, understands concepts of multiplication and division


The student:

-uses concrete objects to measure length, weight, capacity, area, perimeter, volume, time and temperature

-knows right angles, uses schedules, calendars and elapsed time to solve problems

-uses objects, graph paper or charts to solve problems involving estimated measurement

-estimates area, perimeter and volume of rectangular shapes, selects the appropriate unit and tool of measurement for a solution

Geometry and Spatial Sense

The student…

-knows symmetry, congruency and reflections in geometric shapes

-explores flips, slides, and turns

-knows how to identify, locate and plot ordered pairs of whole numbers

Algebraic Thinking

The student…

-describes, extends, creates and predicts visual, numeric and geometric patterns

-analyzes, explains and states the rule for number patterns

Data Analysis and Probability

The student…

-interprets and compares information from pictographs and bar graphs

-identifies the mean, median, mode and range in a set

-determines the number of possible combinations of items

-calculates the probability of an event and represents all possible outcomes


Ideas for helping your child at home


  • Students should know their address and their parents first and last names
  • Third graders should be able to tie their own shoes

Language Arts

-Provide experiences for writing such as daily journals, letters and notes

-Read with your child on a daily basis from any sources (ex., books, magazines, poetry, plays and newspapers). Orally ask questions and have your child summarize what was read.

-Encourage your child to identify the author’s reason for writing a book, story or poem



-Have your child time activities you do together such as cooking, playing games or reading and calculate elapsed time for each activity.

-Practice basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts with your child on a daily basis by using flash cards and practice problems.  Have your child answer problems by using mental math.

-When shopping with your child, give him/her an amount of money to spend and an opportunity to make decisions about what can be purchased.