Fifth Grade

Minimum Criteria for Fifth Grade Promotion to Sixth Grade at Engelwood Elementary School


The student...

-scores above level 1 in reading on the FSA -scores at or above DRP 43 instruction level
-demonstrates 1 year academic growth as assessed by Reading Mastery/Corrective Reading, Open Court, Read Naturally or other district approved assessment tests -demonstrates knowledge of and supply use of graphic organizers/thinking maps to organize information in all content areas
-maintains at least a 2.0 grade point average in reading for the year -attains 5.0 or higher Accelerated Reading level (reads lots of books)
-extends and refines fourth-grade skills with increasingly complex texts such as decoding to clarify pronunciation, context clues to construct meaning and predicting -uses strategies to determine meaning and increase vocabulary (ex., homonyms, prefixes, word-origins, multiple meanings, antonyms, and synonyms)
-develops vocabulary by reading independently and using resources and references -identifies, classifies and demonstrates knowledge of words from a variety of categories on or above grade level
-monitors reading on or above grade level by adjusting reading rate according to purpose or text difficulty, rereading, self-correcting, summarizing and checking other sources -determines the main idea and connects ideas with relevant supporting details
-arranges events in sequential order -describes how the author’s purpose and perspective influence the text
-identifies examples of fact, fiction or opinion § knows characteristics of persuasive text
-reads and organizes information from reference materials to write a research report or perform other tasks -understands comparison and contrast, cause-and effect and sequence of events


The student will...

Be tested every nine weeks in power writing skills and receive a three or higher from the requirements.

Mathematics - maintains a 2.0 or better grade point average in Math

Number Sense, Concepts and Operations

The student...

-reads, writes and identifies decimals through thousandths -knows that place value relates to powers of 10
-reads, writes and identifies whole numbers, fractions and mixed numbers -translates problem situations into diagrams, models or numerals
-uses symbols to compare and order whole numbers, fractions, percents and decimals -multiplies common fractions and decimals to hundredths
-explains the relationship between the decimal number system and other number systems -determines the operations needed to solve one and two step problems
§ demonstrates the inverse feature of multiplication and division -finds factors of numbers to determine if they are prime or composite
-uses strategies to estimate quantities of one thousand or more -determines the greatest common factor and the least common multiple of two numbers
-expresses a whole number as a product of its prime factors -applies rules of divisibility and identifies perfect squares to 144


The student...

-develops formulas for determining perimeter, area and volume -solves problems for determining perimeter, area and volume
-classifies and measures (ex., acute, obtuse, right or straight) and measures circumference -determines whether a solution needs an accurate or estimated measurement
-compares length, weight and capacity using customary and metric units -uses multiplication and division to convert units to measure
-measures dimensions, weight, mass and capacity using correct units -uses schedules, calendars and elapsed time to solve problems
-estimates length, weight, time, temperature and money for solving problems -estimates area, perimeter and volume of a rectangular prism
-selects appropriate unit and tool for measuring

Geometry and Spatial Sense

The student...

. knows and identifies symmetry, congruency and reflections in geometric figures . knows the relationship between points, lines, line segments, rays and planes
. describes properties of and draws two and three dimensional figures . knows the effect of a flip, slide or turn on a geometric figure
. applies and compares the concept of area, perimeter and volume . knows the effect on area and perimeter when figures are combined, rearranged, enlarged or reduced
. knows how to identify, locate and plot ordered pairs of whole numbers on a graph

Algebraic Thinking

The student...

. describes, extends, creates, predicts and generalizes or eliminates the numerical and geometric patterns . identifies and explains numerical relationships and patterns using algebraic symbols
. analyzes number patterns and states the rule . models and solves a number sentence with a missing addend
. uses a variable to represent a given verbal expression . translates equations into verbal and written problems

Data Analysis and Probability

The student...

. selects the appropriate graph for data . interprets and compares information from different types of graphs
. chooses titles, labels, scales and intervals for organizing data on a graph . generates questions, collects responses and displays data on a graph
. completes and interprets circle graphs using common fractions or percents . identifies range, median, mean and mode
. uses technology to examine data and construct labeled graphs . uses computer-generated spreadsheets to record and display data
. uses a model to represent all possible outcomes for a probability situation . uses a model to represent all possible outcomes for a probability situation
. explains and predicts outcomes that are most likely to occur and tests the predictions

. designs a survey to collect and display data on a complete graph
. uses statistical data to predict trends and make generalizations


The Nature of Matter

The student...

. knows that matter is conserved during heating and cooling . knows that materials may be made of parts too small to be seen without magnification


The student...

. knows that energy can be described as stored energy (potential) or energy of motion (kinetic) . extends and refines use of a variety of tools to measure the gain or loss of energy
. knows that some materials conduct heat better others . knows that the limited supply of usable energy sources (ex., fuels such as coal or oil) places great significance on the development of renewable energy sources
. understands that convection, radiation and conduction are methods of heat transfer

Force and Motion

The student...

. uses scientific tools (ex., stopwatch, meter stick, compass) to measure the speed, distance and direction of an object . knows that waves travel at different speeds through different materials
. knows the relationship between the strength of a force and its effect on an object (ex., the greater the force, the greater the change in motion; the more massive the object, the smaller the effect of a given force . understands how inertia, gravity, friction, mass and force affect motion
. understands how friction affects an object in motion . knows that objects do not change their motion unless acted upon by an outside force

How Living Things Interact with Their Environment

The student...

. understands the various roles of single-celled organisms in the environment . knows ways in which protists interact with plants and animals in the environment
. knows how changes in the environment affect organisms (ex., some organisms move in, others move out; some organisms survive and reproduce, others die) . knows that green plants use carbon dioxide, water and sunlight energy to turn minerals and nutrients into food for growth, maintenance and reproduction

Processes of Life

The student...

. understands how body systems interact (ex., how bones and muscles work together for movement) . uses magnifying tools to identify similar cells and different kinds of structures

Nature of Science

The student...

. knows that it is important to keep accurate records and descriptions to provide information and clues on causes of discrepancies in repeated experiments . knows that a successful method to explore the natural world is to observe and record, and then analyze and communicate the results
. knows that to work collaboratively, all team members should be free to reach, explain and justify their individual conclusions . knows that to compare and contrast observations and results is an essential skill in science
. knows that a model of something is different from the real thing, but can be used to learn something about the real thing . knows that natural events are often predictable and logical
. understands that people, alone or in groups, invent new tools to solve problems to do work that affects aspects of life outside of science . knows that data are collected and interpreted in order to explain an event or concept
. knows that before a group of people build something or try something new, they should determine how it may affect other people . know that, through the use of scientific processes and knowledge, people can solve problems, make decisions and form new ideas

Ideas for helping your child at home

Language Arts

-Encourage your child to share and discuss books that he/she has read

-Attend plays or movies and compare/contrast them to book versions of the same story. Discuss how characters, setting and plot were adapted from the book to screen or stage.

-Encourage your child to write to you in a family journal or diary and then respond


-Help your child calculate different dates and elapsed time on a calendar using days, weeks, months and years.

-When cooking allow your child to experiment with fractions by choosing appropriate measuring cups and spoons to determine amounts needed for recipes.


-Go stargazing in your own backyard or a spot away from city lights. See how many constellations and planets you can recognize.

-Humans have very useful thumbs. Try taping you thumbs down across the palms of your hands. Now try some every day activities such as eating and writing.

-Touch a rubber band to your forehead. Now rapidly stretch the rubber band. Once again, touch it to your forehead. Discuss how the mechanical energy created by stretching the rubber band has turned into heat energy.

Students must meet 80% of the criteria to be promoted to the sixth grade.